Taking the mystery out of High School and Transcripts.
Each state is different, so you may have to adapt it a bit... but really, it is this simple. Your child needs x amount of credits to graduate. A credit in high school usually amounts to about 180 hours of instruction & work.
28 credits / 4 years = 7 hours each year. (These are usually 7 classes per day...) Bible (or humanities...) English Math Science History Elective #1 Elective #2 |
Then fill in for each year what you would LIKE for them to do. (Be flexible, they are REALLY changing during this time... every family & every child will be different. These are only suggestions.)
No rocket science here. Keep it simple. At this point, record the curriculum & or classes they take that fill these spots. I used binders to make portfolios for each year. Don't overwhelm. Count. Every. Single. Book. and Instruction manual they read. Every trip they make. Every bit of instruction they receive from grandparents, neighbors, aunts & uncles...
- Subject Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
- Bible Old Testament New Testament Church History World-view
- English Gram. & Punct. America Lit. English Lit. Composition
- Math Algebra Geometry Algebra II Trig/Consumer
- Science Physical Earth Biology Chemistry
- History State / Health World History US History Government
- Elective #1 Sign Language / Foreign Language / Home Ec / Shop ...
- Elective #2 Music / Art / Ag / Computers ....
No rocket science here. Keep it simple. At this point, record the curriculum & or classes they take that fill these spots. I used binders to make portfolios for each year. Don't overwhelm. Count. Every. Single. Book. and Instruction manual they read. Every trip they make. Every bit of instruction they receive from grandparents, neighbors, aunts & uncles...
Our 1st Graduate 2009Our first baby was born with her big eyes wide open. It was like she was saying, “Hello world! Watch out! Here I come!” Kathryn was VERY active. I would never, ever have called her hyper and I would not let anyone else even suggest such a thing. She was healthy and had lots of energy. For the first three or four years of her life I felt like I did nothing but discipline her constantly. I was determined to be consistent. It is amazing how fast children figure these things out. When I took her anywhere, we got nothing but compliments on her behavior. The consistency at home and her eagerness to please made her a delightful little visitor.
Kathryn excelled in our homeschool in everything except Math. After changing curriculum several times, we finally found Math-U-See. She is still not a numbers person, but she made it through their very comprehensive "Stewardship" program, she understands basic finance and the importance of staying out of debt. Kathryn is auditory and she memorizes nearly everything she hears. We spent lots of time in the vehicle listening to Diana Warring History and other audios. She loves History. In High School we did Wordsmith Apprentice and Learn to Write the Novel Way. For her Jr & Sr English, she wrote a 400+ page novel which we self-bound for the party & portfolio. Kathryn spent a few years editing and polishing that novel and finally published the first of her series in March 2014. We are so proud of her! You can get her book from her site at KathrynJFogleman.com or from Amazon Tales of the Wolven: The Dragon’s Son. |
Our 2nd Graduate 2011Kristyn is about as opposite from her sister as she can get. She has been our most compliant, laid back, easy going child. She crawled behind Kathryn putting things up her sister had got out. I hardly ever had to discipline her She sings or plays music constantly. She also loves all God’s creatures right down to the creepy-crawly ones. She keeps asking her dad if she can have a baby elephant. He, of course, can never tell her no.
In our homeschool, Kristyn did fine in math, but really struggled with reading. It took many years of frustration before we finally learned she has a vertical tracking problem in both eyes. After reading glasses and eye therapy, she finally began to enjoy reading, though it still hurts her after a short time. Since she is a visual learner, I was challenged to find visual books and video instruction. We bought Science and History videos and DVDs whenever we could afford it. For History, we found the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia to be very helpful. For science, we did lots of nature study, Moody Science Classics, The American Heritage Series, and good ol’ farm Agriculture. Kristyn has been midwife to cats, dogs, & goats. She’s bottle fed and “worked” calves and broke horse colts. Kristyn has always loved to be outside with the animals. She is organized and meticulous. Kristyn has always wanted to raise Golden Retrievers. Since graduation, she has been working on her puppy raising business. She is committed to improving bloodlines and raising quality puppies. They are a part of our family but it's easy to see they all love her best. You can see her dogs at this website: Golden Retriever Street |
3rd Graduate 2018 |
4th Graduate 2018 |
Our oldest boy takes after his dad who still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.
Some of Cloy's interests include the ocean, which we don't have anywhere near us, and training as a Jedi, which he is in the wrong universe for. He has an electrical apprentice license and works part time with his dad. Cloy also takes after me in being extremely shy. I'm not too worried though. Following graduation, he began an internship with Woodward Arts Theatre, where he enjoys janitorial work and helping out with errands that need doing. He has been able to meet a lot of different personalities during his time there which is gradually helping him come out of the shyness, at his own pace. |
No, the date is not a typo. Kylee decided she wanted to graduate with her brother and worked very hard to make it happen. She is very motivated.
Kylee, unlike her older brother, has never had a shy bone in her body She sells handcrafts and several breeds of bunny rabbits, and has built her own website, Prairie Ruth. Kylee's made several bunny buddies online and participates in groups and online events. She also helps with the Prairie Dust Trail Goats breeding program and has two of her own Golden Retrievers, which she plans to eventually breed for selling puppies. Kylee also has a green thumb and does some gardening. |