Even that persnickety teen that’s hard to buy for. You know the one? That neice or nephew who has it all or can get anything they want. The ones who never talk during the holidays because they are plugged into headphones and busy with some screen… Buy an antique book with a mysterious looking hardback cover and intrigue them. If they like sci-fi, give them a science “How things work” type of book. If they like motor sports, give them a mechanic book and a box of grease rags. If they like animals, there is no end to great animal ‘Dummies’ books or pictorial encyclopedias. Young ladies usually like ‘how to’ books for hair, makeup, and fashion. (And honestly, most of them could use the help! lol I know I could have!)
Books are some of the best gifts for children of all ages. {click-to-tweet} Some links in the post below are “affiliate links.” See our disclosure policy for details.
- Beatrix Potter Books
- The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh
- Max Lucado Children’s Books
- Jennie Bishop’s books “Jennie Bishop is a writer and speaker with a real passion for the ideals of purity and family. She is also the founder of PurityWorks, an international organization that specializes in lifetime purity training.” ~amazon Her books are lovely, enchanting, and inspire wonderful conversation! The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God’s Gift of Purity for girls and The Squire and the Scroll for boys.
- Chronicles of Narnia Pop-Up Book (not for young children without supervision, but this is a treasure!!!)
- Louisa May Alcott – Make sure to get Unabridged! Her books are FULL of wonderful Character and object lessons the children can relate to.
- Charles Dickens – Again… Unabridged!
Don’t be afraid to buy used books for the children. As they get older, antique books are a treasure children really enjoy. Even my babies would toddle around carrying an old hardbound book like it was something super special they had been entrusted with. You can often get beautiful hardbound books used on Amazon for a dollar or two and $4 shipping. Well worth it as far as I’m concerned. I’d like each of my children to have a nice stack of classics of their own to take with them when they start their own families…