Formed to Fly". He explains all the dynamics of how feathers, eyes, bones of birds could have never "evolved" and MUST have an intelligent creator.
Birds are amazing creations of God. We love watching Dr. David Menton's video "
My favorite birds are probably owls, though they are a real pest here on the farm. Did you know owls will eat peacocks? Very frustrating!
Some of my favorite books from Usborne are the "touchy-feely" books. Each page has a different texture: soft, bumpy, scratchy, silky, fluffy... Who doesn't like feeling different textures while learning fun facts? Dawnita Fogleman is an Independent Consultant for Usborne Books & More. See my disclosure policy for details. |
My favorite from last week:
Katie @ Paradise Praises {Facebook}{Pinterest}{Twitter} Tara @ Embark on the Journey {Facebook} {Pinterest} {Twitter} Jeanae @ Just Jeanae {Facebook} {Pinterest} {Twitter} & Your's truly... |