My Build A Menu Story
A few years ago I learned about a new meal planning service called Build A Menu. This service promised to help me plan menus for the week, and save money on my food budget. It seemed too good to be true, but I trusted the woman who told me, so I figured I'd give it a try. It turned out that Build A Menu was even better than I expected - in addition to planning meals and saving money, a portion of my subscription was donated to kids in need. Karee and Lisa, the sisters who run Build A Menu, are homeschooling and adoptive moms with huge hearts for orphans. I love this!I have been a Build A Menu subscriber ever since. My kids and I even did a stint writing "Cooking With Kids" recipes for the Build A Menu blog.
Meal Planning How-To
So how do you plan meals with Build A Menu?- Choose the store you like to shop at most
- Pick your recipes (breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, desserts and snacks)
- Build and schedule your menu
- Print your recipes, shopping list and calendar
Saving Money
Karee, one of the Build A Menu sisters, has a background in financial planning, and a passion to help families live within their means. Saving money is one of the central purposes of Build A Menu. Here are some of the ways I save money with Build A Menu:- When choosing recipes, a little window pops up that shows the ingredients. I really appreciate this feature because I buy many items in bulk. So when money is tight, I can choose recipes for which I already have most of the ingredients.
- Because recipe selections vary to match the seasons, ingredients in the recipes I pick are often on sale.
- Each ingredient on the shopping list is shown with the price most recently found at MY store! So I know exactly how much I will spend to make a recipe. This is a super cool feature.
An Example of Why I Love Build A Menu
A while back we went on a road trip to New England. We drove from Massachusetts back home to Texas in 43 hours. I was exhausted. But guess what? I'm a mom and the show must go on. I woke up the next morning, got on Build A Menu, and in 10 minutes had a menu ready for the week. I was so happy I wrote to Karee and Lisa:I was just throwing my shopping list together and marveling that even though I am exhausted from driving back to TX from MA in less than 2 days, I am going to be able to fly through my grocery store this afternoon in under 30 minutes, and have ingredients for 7 fabulous dinners when I walk out the door. Those dinners plus sides and a lunch or two came to something like $55, and I won't even spend that much because I already have some of the ingredients.
Awesome Sale - Only 67¢ a Week!
Build A Menu is running a huge sale right now - more than 50% off a year long subscription. Normally $76, you can sign up for just $35 right now. That works out to only 67¢ a week! I know I save much more than 67¢ a week using Build A Menu.They offer a 30 day, 100% refund policy. No risk - if you sign up and find it's not for you, just cancel!
Bio:Patti Brown home schools her three children in the heart of Texas. She blogs about the home arts with her daughter at Blossoms and Posies (
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