Talking to children about death is hard for most people. On the farm, I've always treated it very matter-of-fact. It's part of life and destined to happen. With our faith in the Lord and His Word, I know and pass on the knowledge to our children, that this life is only a glimmer of Eternity. We have so much more to look forward to. Every trial in life is a learning experience to help us develop a Character more like our Creator and to gain a relationship ever closer to HIM. Originally He created our bodies in His image to heal and live forever. We who live in Him and allow Him to live in us will see that again. Immortality, no more tears, no more pain... I look forward to that day.
In the honest and raw way that only Virginia George can meet such a topic; you will find this article helpful and refreshingly real...
"With the death of my grandma comes the explanation to my children. They are old enough to know her, to miss her, and to ask questions. But how exactly do you talk to kids about death? How much do they need to know, and what will they understand?" |
"Your approach to the subject may vary a little depending on your spiritual beliefs. Some cultures actually embrace the subject of death and see it as an opportunity for re-birth and new life.
It is important that you consider your spiritual and emotional beliefs about death and come to fully embrace them before approaching the topic with your children. This will help you facilitate a more impacting and clear cut conversation when the time arises to talk about death and dying." ~Kori from |
Lisa Appelo shares their family's experience with the death of a beloved grandparent. She also shares several books to help explain Heaven to the children and how they used them to help process and work through the greif. This article is a wonderful resource as well as a touching story.
"Like you, I am no stranger to grief. But this time the grieving process is different…more complicated. I have young children who are grieving as well. So, in the midst of my personal grieving, I must help my children grieve too." ~Andrea at EmbracingHim
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