Homeschool Legacy and Once-a-Week Unit Studies were born from a passion to help families build a strong, Godly, family legacy. Though a happy, veteran, homeschool mom of 16 years, Sharon began this journey, like so many moms… reluctantly. As she researched the different learning styles and various homeschool methods, the unit study approach seemed the best fit for their family. “That turned out to be the best choice we could have made! Unit studies gave us ALL a fun, creative outlet, and a thirst-quenching break from drier textbooks. The short term, academic benefits were incredible, but the long term, spiritual and relational benefits have proven themselves to be even more valuable. Due to the engaging and interactive nature of unit studies, they helped bring our family together, provided a lifetime of precious memories, and helped us build a strong, loving, Godly, family legacy. Both of our sons love the Lord, are pursuing their gifts and passions, and we are truly each other’s best friends.”
They offer a growing number of great studies including:
Birds of a Feather
Forest for the Trees
Horsing Around
Weather on the Move
Knights and Nobles
Native America
Early Settlers in America
Revolutionary Ideas: The Story of the American Revolution
We The People: Getting to Know Your Constitution
Lewis and Clark: From Sea to Shining Sea
Westward Ho! Parts 1 & 2
Birds of a Feather
Forest for the Trees
Horsing Around
Weather on the Move
Knights and Nobles
Native America
Early Settlers in America
Revolutionary Ideas: The Story of the American Revolution
We The People: Getting to Know Your Constitution
Lewis and Clark: From Sea to Shining Sea
Westward Ho! Parts 1 & 2
I chose to request Native America to review. Living in Indian Territory with a questionable amount of Native American blood in our veins from both sides of my family, it was an obvious choice for intriguing the Fogle-bunch. This study is broken up into six weeks:
- The Northeast Woodland Nations
- The Southeast Woodland Nations
- The Southwest Nations
- The Plains Nations
- The Pacific Northwest Coast Nations
- The California/Plateau/Great Basin Nations