Summer is upon us. The panhandle of Oklahoma is hot & humid. (Well, more humid than we've been use to... I'm sure people in Southeastern OK would argue the point.) I've been neglecting the internet & blog lately. I wish I could say I have been busy in the garden, but we didn't plant one this year. I have helped my dad on the farm some. I love plowing fields, especially when I have air-ride, AC & stereo... I also enjoy swathing Alfalfa. The gorgeous green and lovely purple flowers and the smell are wonderful. Mostly though, I've been inside avoiding the heat, fighting allergies & enjoying our children. I homeschool more in the heat of summer since we're stuck inside anyway.
This year we are getting more involved in 4-H club. We'll be having summer workshops soon. The children are looking forward to making fun crafts for the county fair. Our club is also planning to join some fun activities that will compliment our homeschool nicely this year. Hopefully I'll be posting more about them as the year unfolds.
Summer is an excellent time to study bugs. Here are some great books to help study creepy-crawlies:
While I'm sharing bugs, I'd like to share some of my favorite hair accessories. Lilla Rose flexi-clips and bobby-pins are so strong and durable. I use them all the time. The ladybugs are some of my favorite designs. I wear a lot of red and these accent great. The clips come in SEVEN sizes, so even if you have very fine or very thick hair, there is a size that will fit. They are made with flexible wire and a heavy duty notched rod which makes them adjustable. The bobby-pins are the best I've ever used. I can put them in our 10 year old's hair and never worry about her losing them. They HOLD! If you have a summer birthday girl, these are a delightful gift. Stop in my little Hair Pretties shop or let me know if you'd like to host a party.
The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits. Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. ... Proverbs 16 (KJV)
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