Picture books are not only fun for little children, they can be wonderful coffee table books and great gifts for the elderly. Papa will be 87 years young next month. He can’t see very well anymore and can’t understand most of what is going on around him. This year we decided to make him a picture book. The children each picked out a Bible story to depict. The boys did theirs on the computer with Microsoft PictureIt and the girls drew and colored theirs. They each also copied a Bible verse to go with their picture. The older two put in a poem or little story of their own. We used thick scrapbook paper for the cover, punched holes and tied with ribbon. This idea could be done with coloring book pages as well or even just random pictures of the family with a little note and signature of each one. I figured since Papa Fogleman was a preacher and always read his Bible, those stories and pictures might resonate with him the most. It’s hard to say, but I’m sure he will enjoy it anyway.
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