I love elderberries. I've never had the pleasure of fresh, thought I've been told the can grow naturally around here. I tried to grow a bush once... But I do use them regularly.
Last week I shared an article on ourFacebook page about a study in which scientists have identified a chemical compound in elderberries that blocks the flu virus from entering human cells. I knew several herbs and essential oils are anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial, so I thought the article would be a great one to share with readers. If you'd like to read it, the link is here. In the discussion in the comments I mentioned we have herbal tea nearly every day in our home and I use elderberries. That prompted a request for a recipe and my promise to share one. Now I must admit, I don't use recipes, at least very seldom. I 'wing-it' with most everything and don't read directions thoroughly until I absolutely have to. But I do have a method. |
Disclaimer: I'm not a health care professional. Please do your own research and seek the advise of a trusted and qualified medical source. This information is for entertainment and informational purposes only.
Equal parts:
- Nettle - Kidney and urinary tonic
- Red Raspberry - Supports healthy hormone levels
- Red Clover - Supports circulatory and respiratory systems
- Echinacea - Immune booster
- Dandelion - Blood purifier
- Peppermint - Tummy soother
- Elderberries - Excellent source of vitamin C
I'm linking the tools I use (or very close to the same) here with my instructions. These are not affiliate or sponsored links:
I put several spoonfuls of mixed herb in a tea strainer in my teapot, then poor hot water over from the boiling kettle. I like this insulated teapot. It was an investment but well worth it. It keeps my tea warm for hours, which is so nice. I get my herbs from several sources. I tend to shop around for the best prices at the time. |
I have accumulated a lot of herbs and will often add different things depending on how our family is feeling or what our environment is like at the time. I love adding Rose Hips or Bilberries to my teas as well. Chamomile is soothing in the evening before bed or after a stressful day. Lavender blossoms are also relaxing. If I want to add some pep to my day, I'll sprinkle in some Jasmine or Earl Grey for the caffeine boost. When we're fighting a cold, I'll break out the Lobelia and Mullein.
Here are some other recipes:
There is so much great stuff to learn when it comes to natural remedies and herbal teas. |
Do you need a new book to read with your tea? Katie Hornor has just published a top ten book in the small business franchise section of the Kindle store! Faith Like Flamingos: The Christian Business Guide to Walking Out Your Faith in Bold Color! is only $0.99 right now. I know it has been just the encouragement I have been needing.