Through the business of high school, internship, work, and life in general she has edited and rewritten most of the original work. It has matured with her. She finally finished it and we sent it off to an editor & virtual assistant for self-publishing. Now others are reading her book. Here are a few comments we’ve recieved:
“Just a quick note…I don’t know if my son noticed he said this, but while I was reading out loud from the book tonight his sister was make noise. He promptly told her “Shh, your interrupting the show.” I had to smile at that one (and no, the TV was not on, so “the show” was the book!)” ~Amanda You can read her Author Interview here.
“Ok. I have a bad thing about the book. It ended… ;( sniffle! Now my question is: WHEN IS BOOK 2 COMING OUT?!?!?!!!!!!” ~Karilyn