Olive Warner Library in Hooker Oklahoma when in walks author Gwen Stevens Hanson. I literally had no clue. I was just enjoying visiting with the other authors and handing out coloring cards to the children coming through from sitting on Santa's lap. The other authors were talking to her when I realized who she was. I mentioned the recent review I did of Keepin' It Together by Virginia Frantz and she asked if I'd review her book. I jumped at the chance! Why do I NEVER think of getting pictures? There I was, at |
Description: Many authors have written about the devastation of the Dust Bowl in the Dirty Thirties and the Exodus from the area to find a better life. The Farmer's Daughter chronicles the faith, grit, strength, and determination of those who chose to stay despite the obstacles. It is a tribute to the family farmer and his place in the American economy. Gwen Stevens Hanson's book tells of her family's slow rise from poverty to prosperity with humor and nostalgia. The author spins tales of her life as a young wife and mother of four children in as many years. She touches on the loss of her eyesight and therefore her independence and the lengthy partial recovery. She goes into the death of her father and the sinking realization by the sisters that their beloved mother has Alzheimer's. The Farmer's Daughter is a feel-good story about attaining the great American Dream if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice. An inspirational story with a bit of politics, you will both laugh and shed a few tears as you read. | Affiliate link. See our disclosure policy for details. |
| After my Coffee! Opens at 11 am CST on Thursdays. I've tried to make the Rules simple: