“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52
If you don't think you are the least bit interested in the Feasts of the Lord, I encourage you to check these out anyway because most of this information can help you in preparation for Thanksgiving and other holidays you do celebrate with your family. If you homeschool, I'm sure there will be some great historical unit study ideas as well!
The Feast of Trumpets starts the evening of September 13th this year. We'll be dipping apple slices in honey & drinking sparkling apple cider while the children have fun trying to get their horns to blow... Now, I'm off to clean my frig to make room for the fresh apples we will be using to make Apple Crisp, Baked Apples, Granny's Apple Grunt, & maybe even an Apple Strudel... (Strudel is one of our Home Extension club County Fair projects this year... It's going to take some courage on my part for this one!) You all have a wonderful Rosh Hashanah!
Time to Party!
April at A Simple Life Too {Facebook} {Pinterest} {Google+} The Ladies at Radical Femininity {Facebook} {Pinterest} {Google+} Kathryn at Depths of Imagination {Facebook} {Twitter} {Google+} & me here at Prairie Dust Trail... |