I have not been watching the election campaign drama this year. We always take the children with us when we vote and talk to them about what we're voting on. The presidential elections have become such a ridiculous circus though, that I've avoided it all. Home School in the Woods has saved me this year. We are learning about the elections from a constitutional perspective this year in a very hands-on way.
This HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections has been a lot of fun and very educational! It covers every aspect of the election process plus history about the process of how we in America ended up with the form of government we have. The lapbook approach is perfect reinforcement. |
The U.S. Constitution is an amazing document and very simple to learn. I believe it is very important and ALL American children should learn & understand it well before their senior year. With this downloadable, digital, printable lap-pack your children learn the elections process and history of the establishment of our country's government as well as various aspects of how the presidential campaigns work.
Even the 16 year old enjoyed cutting & pasting together all the various aspects of this kit. I caught him reading each bit of information and then asking his dad and I questions off and on throughout the time we did it. He then began tying what he learned in with other things he was reading and seeing. It's always amazing to me when God brings things into our lives through other angles to reinforce what we are learning.
The 13 & 14 year olds had a few of their own thoughts and ideas for putting things together or decorating. The 9 year old especially enjoyed coloring everything pink & using purple glitter with hers. (Who am I to correct her? She was quiet & happy!)
I tried to think of some other resources to supplement this with, but honestly, other than a copy of the constitution itself, I wouldn't add much. It covered the information very, very well. As a matter of a fact, I tend to really want to explain politics and history to our children and encourage them to think it all through. I realized over and over again that I was "jumping the gun" with this curriculum. The booklet is so thorough, it would end up covering exactly what I just explained to them.
The only problem I had with this was ... in normal Fogleman fashion, I didn't read the instructions before I jumped in and ended up printing out a lot more than needed. (Look over the instructions really well first! It's worth it!) The instructions were easy to follow. (Silly me!) The only supply we didn't readily have on hand was acetate to make the convention look festive... The children had the idea to just sprinkle glitter over the piece. It looks great that way and they all had fun with it. (Yes, glitter everywhere!)
This is an EXCELLENT hands on project to teach US History. I'd even suggest it for a spring or summer break project for my friends who send their children to institutional schools... This HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections would be a wonderful thing for Independence Day too!
I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to try this kit out. I'm sold. Home School in the Woods has done a wonderful job and I will be looking at their products a LOT more!
The 13 & 14 year olds had a few of their own thoughts and ideas for putting things together or decorating. The 9 year old especially enjoyed coloring everything pink & using purple glitter with hers. (Who am I to correct her? She was quiet & happy!)
I tried to think of some other resources to supplement this with, but honestly, other than a copy of the constitution itself, I wouldn't add much. It covered the information very, very well. As a matter of a fact, I tend to really want to explain politics and history to our children and encourage them to think it all through. I realized over and over again that I was "jumping the gun" with this curriculum. The booklet is so thorough, it would end up covering exactly what I just explained to them.
The only problem I had with this was ... in normal Fogleman fashion, I didn't read the instructions before I jumped in and ended up printing out a lot more than needed. (Look over the instructions really well first! It's worth it!) The instructions were easy to follow. (Silly me!) The only supply we didn't readily have on hand was acetate to make the convention look festive... The children had the idea to just sprinkle glitter over the piece. It looks great that way and they all had fun with it. (Yes, glitter everywhere!)
This is an EXCELLENT hands on project to teach US History. I'd even suggest it for a spring or summer break project for my friends who send their children to institutional schools... This HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections would be a wonderful thing for Independence Day too!
I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to try this kit out. I'm sold. Home School in the Woods has done a wonderful job and I will be looking at their products a LOT more!