We live on a farm and life is happening all around us. We see animals mate, have babies, grow, and die each year. The three year old may ask, “Mommy, what are they doing?” My answer is simply, “With God’s help, they are making babies.” When we castrate an animal, I show them the “seed sacks” and explain that this animal will not be a daddy because he has no seeds now. If we have a female nurtured, I explain that her “baby hotel” was removed so she can’t have kittens or puppies.
Children continue to have questions occasionally through the years but since the conversation was already started in our family, their questions are a lot more comfortable for me to answer later. |
The children are also more comfortable asking me anything.
Some girls are a lot easier to talk to than others. I have had two that were very inquisitive asking lots of questions and two who just took in the information as it was presented or when they needed it. Both situations are okay. If they are curious, it’s not to early. If they aren’t, it’s not too late. Each girl is unique with a unique timetable.
As moms we tend to really worry about when and how we should speak to our girls about these sensitive subjects.
Some girls are a lot easier to talk to than others. I have had two that were very inquisitive asking lots of questions and two who just took in the information as it was presented or when they needed it. Both situations are okay. If they are curious, it’s not to early. If they aren’t, it’s not too late. Each girl is unique with a unique timetable.
As moms we tend to really worry about when and how we should speak to our girls about these sensitive subjects.
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Maybe you don’t live on or near a farm and you are concerned about when and how to talk to your daughter about such things. Sheila from “To Love, Honor, and Vacuum” has a wonderful solution. She and her two twenty-something daughters have created an online, video-based course for moms and daughters where the daughters learn about sex, puberty, and growing up. Moms can then use the provided discussion questions to keep conversations going. This technique creates a comfortable environment for their relationships to grow through the physical changes of preadolescence up through adulthood. This course is:
The Whole Story: Not-So-Scary Talks About Sex, Puberty and Growing Up
The Whole Story: Not-So-Scary Talks About Sex, Puberty and Growing Up
A good foundation in communication is essential for years of growing relationships with our daughters. It has been so nice knowing my twenty-something daughters are still comfortable coming to me about sensitive subjects.
Is this a subject you have struggled with as a mother of daughters?
Is this a subject you have struggled with as a mother of daughters?