Cowgirl logic says, carry a hankie with you for each person in the family for dust storms and smoke when there's a wildfire. In case of a super contagious sickness, a few more layers sure can't hurt, plus these are really cute!
On the sober side, if it makes the neighbors feel more comfortable to see your family picking up feed or groceries with a covered face, why not? Also, this is a great project for the family to do together. Younger children will love picking out cute fabric patterns. I plan to use those little poof-ball things and hot-gluing them on. If you are starting the homeschool journey, start out playing lots of educational games and developing relationships with a strong routine (homeschooling only takes about three hours a day) and good habits. Don’t think about formal academics until that foundation is laid. |
I think if we use felt for the mouth area, it would give extra filtration... Plus putting a pocket area in for extra filters if someone is needing more. If you want to donate these, someone might want or need to add some extra. I bet a coffee filter folded in half would work.
For basic home and family use purposes, woven cotton, flannel and felt should work very nicely. I bet these are going to be used a lot more often in our country and others who haven't had the habit, once this is over.
For more extreme cases, like those going through cancer treatment, dialysis and such, they may need more protection. I'm not sure if we could find "carbon filters" as one pattern suggested but I was thinking about getting some activated charcoal and soak inserts after washing...
Of all the patterns I've sifted through, this is the one that is most Cowgirl friendly. It's in English, which is helpful. She shows lots of great pictures of her whole, adorable family wearing them, and it's free (Thank you!).
Craft Passion has free patterns and tutorials that look fun and easy to follow. I admit, I hate all the pop-ups and ads, but a girl's gotta make a living however she can in this day and age. The pattern itself is printable and fairly self-explanatory. The Face Mask Sewing Pattern comes in 3 sizes. There's a guide at the bottom of the printable page to help you make sure it's printing at the right size. I had to adjust the settings to 'fit to paper' in the 'Scale' in 'More Settings' for my printer. |
Again, on a sober note... Our lives are changing. We're seeing unprecedented things happening around the world. Perspectives will change. The wildfires did that for us three years ago. We'll never see our world the same again. Therefore, we feel blessed to be a bit more prepared for this than others may be.
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